AR 3531 with prominence

This solar image was taken on December 20, 2023 at approximately 15.44 UT.  It shows AR (active region) 3531 near the top of the image on the east limb of the sun.  Further down, a solar prominence can be seen erupting.


The image is the result of the best 10% of 2000 frames @51 fps stacked in AutoStakkert and processed in IMPPG and Photoshop.


It was taken through my 120mm Skywatcher Esprit refractor and a Daystar Quark Chromosphere hydrogen alpha filter.  This filter has a built in 4.3x telecentric barlow which turned my f/7 Esprit into f/30 with a focal length of approximately 3600mm.  The seeing was below average.

Meadowlark Ridge Observatory
Meadowlark Ridge Observatory